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Fitch’s US Credit Downgrade Sparks Criticism Along With Unease

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Fitch Ratings’ downgrade of US government debt sparked criticism from Washington and Wall Street even amid unease that swollen fiscal deficits risk eventual turbulence in markets, the economy and next year’s presidential election.

Fitch cutBloomberg Terminal the US’s sovereign credit grade one level from AAA to AA+. The move comes just two months after it warned the rating was under threat as lawmakers flirted with default by battling over raising the nation’s debt limit.

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Fitch’s US Credit Downgrade Sparks Criticism Along With Unease


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Author: Sarah Shepherd

Last Updated: 1704042604

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Author information

Name: Sarah Shepherd

Birthday: 2007-06-07

Address: 40046 Schultz Pines Suite 563, Lake Diana, NE 15281

Phone: +3694833327755935

Job: Journalist

Hobby: Sailing, Soccer, Table Tennis, Card Collecting, Bird Watching, Photography, Arduino

Introduction: My name is Sarah Shepherd, I am a receptive, vivid, lively, candid, daring, courageous, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.